
Upcoming Events

Powered By Generative AI, Fine Tuned LLMs & RAGs

ROI Amplifier for Event-led Marketing

AI co-pilot that enriches every phase with precise data and analytics, from strategic planning through in-event engagement to post-event analysis, aimed at visualizing and maximizing ROI for sponsors.

Explore the existing ecosystem of marketers and corporate event organizers across US, Europe, and APAC region

How MelloUp works?

Connect with Events

Create the prompt based audience to discover the right events for your brand.

Access ROI Metrics

Visualize reliable ROI metrics across event marketing, sales & data. 

Run Event Campaigns

Run marketing campaigns across attendees and event sponsorships

For Businesses

MelloUp empowers marketers to leverage AI-driven data insights and tools to maximize corporate event marketing ROI and reach global audiences effectively.

For Event Organizers

MelloUp enhances corporate events by providing a platform for reaching out to the right sponsors and accessing AI-Driven ROI Metrics & analytics.

How you can leverage MelloUp for your Entire Event Marketing Funnel

AI Co-Pilot for Pre-Event Strategy and Analytics

  • Help in strategizing the goals like lead generation, branding, hiring, or fundraising.

  • Access data insights about the target audience coming inside the event.

  • Receive AI-driven playbooks to outshine competitors and enhance visibility.

In-Event Engagement & Lead Management App

  • Engage online with targeted attendees to maximize lead acquisition.

  • Keep notes on interactions and key audience members.

  • Enhance your event presence with real-time analytics and support for managing side events and networking.

Post-Event ROI Dashboards & CRM Integrations

  • Visualize engagement metrics, ROIs, CAC, LTV etc. with a Google Analytics-style dashboard.

  • Seamlessly integrate with CRMs like Apollo, HubSpot, Salesforce, etc.

  • Track lead movements and potential opportunities for future events.

Bridging gap between event marketing, sales and data

MelloUp provides a cutting-edge tool that seamlessly bridges the gap of event marketing, sales, and data, enabling to optimize ROI.

With MelloUp, you can harness the full potential of your event-based strategies, ensuring data-driven decisions and measurable growth.

Request a Pricing Quote to Get Started

For Buinesses

30 Days Free Subscription

Prompt Based Event Discovery

Manage Budgets & Campaigns

Get AI derived ROI Metrics

For Event Organizers

30 Days Free Subscription

Prompt Based Sponsor Discovery

Insights Panel for ROI Metrics

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What features does MelloUp offer for marketers?

How does MelloUp support cross-border marketing?

How does MelloUp pricing work?

Get Started With MelloUp

Unlock your event marketing potential with MelloUp's AI-powered tools and global reach. Join the waitlist to get started!

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Copyright © 2024 MelloUp. All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2024 MelloUp. All Rights Reserved